meet the artist: maddy morps

maddy is an nyc-based independent cartoonist. she has an ongoing comic strip 'Charlie & bingo,’ as well as other self-published zines.she is also co-editor of the comic collective (cult) Xomik Bük, where she works alongside a group of talented artists to create anthologies and magazines.when she's not working on comics, maddy likes to dissociate from reality by playing video games and smoking weed.Find her in these spaces:
comic expos & zine fests
brooklyn independent comic show, picto beach bazaar, kingston indie comic expo, cauldron con, stone soup zine fest, philly zine fest, indie comic creator con
Charlie and Bingo
on-going strip about a bird man and his cat friend
charlie and bingo hit the beach, mini-zine published 2024
'jamie's party' - published in xomik bük issue 1 (2021)
Comictober 2022 highlights - zine self-published 2023
greatest hits